Auld Lang Syne
The year 2005 comes to an end, and 'round the world people recount the trials, the smiles, and all the expressions inbetween.
For my part, I can count 2005 amongst some of my best years. Truth be told, it didn't start out that way and for awhile it seemed things were kinda shaky.
It's been a year of renewed hope, when personal journey and calling meet in a marvelous display of a real and potent soveriengty. I don't have a chance to sit down and write as much as I'd like - and it's probably the case that no one reads this anyway. Despite that, here's wishing blessing on you and yours this new year of our Lord, 2006. May you grow in grace, and in the wisdom and knowledge of God. May you know Him more deeply, and may that knowledge grow you in relationship with Him!